CPAs Overcoming Barriers to Growth: Part III: Marketing

CPAs Overcoming Barriers to Growth Part III Marketing

In Part III of CPAs Overcoming Barrier to Growth we’ll take a look at a barrier that is often overlooked: marketing. This would be a huge mistake, because it’s marketing that provides the ROI that justifies the transition to wealth management.

CPAs Overcoming Barriers to Growth: Part II: Infrastructure

CPAs Overcoming Barriers to Growth Part II Infrastructure

Tax professionals who have not made the transition to wealth management services have a very long list of reasons why they can’t make the move, no matter how badly they want to. You’ve heard most of them, and maybe even said them yourself: it’s too complicated, too expensive, too time-consuming, too risky. All of these barriers can, and have been, overcome. Thousands of tax professionals play critical roles in wealth management, many of them in family offices.

CPAs Overcoming Barriers to Growth: Part I: Knowledge

CPAs Overcoming Barriers to Growth Part I Knowledge

Big Tax is spending enormous sums of money to attract new tax preparation customers, and it’s not just for the 1040 work. They want to sell those customers everything from software applications to credit monitoring services to loans. Certified Public Accountants and Enrolled Agents would be well served to fight back with marketing of their own.

Five Key Marketing Concepts Every CPA Should Know

Five Key Marketing Concepts Every CPA Should Know

Big Tax is spending enormous sums of money to attract new tax preparation customers, and it’s not just for the 1040 work. They want to sell those customers everything from software applications to credit monitoring services to loans. Certified Public Accountants and Enrolled Agents would be well served to fight back with marketing of their own.

Eight Advantages CPAs Have Over Financial Advisors

8 Advantages CPAs Have Over Financial Advisors

What if we flip the switch, and instead of hiring client-facing advisors based on what’s good for the financial services company, we select them based on what’s best for the client? This is exactly how family offices hire their directors, and the result is the highest level of success, satisfaction and sustainability in the industry.

Logisticians: Better For Family Offices than Executives?

logisticians better for family offices than executives

The financial services industry seeks strong persuasion and influence traits because the welfare of their shareholders is paramount–and that means finding new clients is job #1. On the other hand, the more stable, detail-oriented and responsible Certified Public Accountant is a much better prototype for a director’s role in family offices.

CPAs Can Look To Aesop For Success

CPAs Can Look To Aesop For Success

CPAs operate in a world of objective truth, and that provides them with powerful advantages. But, given that the CPA can’t use persuasive techniques of the sort that salespeople do, CPAs will have to rely on a slow and steady campaign of education if they want to offer a broader scope of services to their clients.

The Hippocratic Oath and Entrepreneurial CPAs and EAs

The Hippocratic Oath and Entrepreneurial CPAs and EAs

The Certified Public Accountant or Enrolled Agent operates in much the same way a medical doctor does. But the healthcare industry and the financial services juggernaut are two very different environments. While the doctor’s prescriptions are typically filled with total concern for the patient, the sales-dominated world of wealth management is riddled with conflict.

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